This Sunday I'm jetting off to Cyprus and I'm hoping being away from this damn place for two weeks will help me sort my head out a little. In a dream world I'm planning to come back golden-brown, with a positive outlook for the rest of the year, but realistically I'm going to come back blotchy and burnt and slip straight back into my mood swings as soon as I step off the plane. Although, since when have I lived realistically?
By the time I come back, it won't be long before my friends go to university, which means little time for nights out and spending time with them. We aren't joined at the hip but it's nice to know they're down the road. This year however, 90% of my friends are going away so my loner status is gonna be sky-high. I'll miss them but we're still gonna visit each other and go out when we can. Meanwhile, I'll be staying in the doom and gloom of Sutton... I'm not totally sure this is the right choice for me for many reasons, but I'm hoping if I'm only in the art centre, doing art (obviously) it will be different from the previous year. Plus now, I have a car so instead of having to hang around in my stupidly long breaks or waiting for the bus in the town, I can go home. I know I have a lot and I know I'm very well off, but all I'm asking for next year is plain happiness. This year has been so difficult, I don't want to experience it again for as long as possible. Next year can't be worse, it would have to work hard to be worse. I'm going to be celebrating this New Year more than any other. :)
So yes... I acquired a car, a little shiny red KA and I love it. It's nippy, it's new-looking and it's very spacious considering what you'd think if you gave it a glance, so it's finally nice to be able to get from A to B without getting up an extra half an hour early, walking down (usually in rain) to the bus stop, waiting with weird people, getting on a dusty smelly bus and walking from the bus stop to said destination. Plus, I get to have whatever I want on the radio without my mother turning it down at the first sign of modern music. If it's not Smooth FM, it just won't do!
I've noticed recently that I'm turning into a girl... a girly girl I mean, it's not like I'm a boy ;) but I've never been interested in all the shoes/bags/purses malarky. In the past 2/3 weeks, I have bought 6 pairs of shoes, a bag and 2 purses. I wore my new shoes out last night and they are so so SO gorgeous! They are infact, pure sex. They aren't too uncomfy either, or is it that I just don't notice when I'm that drunk? It was a brilliant night anyway, I haven't been out in a while and I won't be for the next couple of weeks but yeah, I went to bed last night with sore feet, ringing ears, bruises all over and lack of balance. Wonderful. :)
