First of all, I'VE FINISHED COLLEGE! Yes... my last exam was Friday. It was hard and I've probably failed but I don't care! I'M FREE! I practically squealed. A Levels can kiss my ass goodbye, bring on my art course next year. All I've got for the next 3 months is work, and I don't work that often. This is the part where this year should get a lot better. So bye bye Sutton for now, I hate you, good riddance.
I've had a few BBQs since I last wrote in here, the weathers been fairly nice. I also went to Alton Towers on Wednesday with Luke and his mates. It was an ace day but it absolutely tipped it down and we got soaked! Thanks Luke for making it a really good day, love you. :) And thanks to the woman on the Runaway Mine Train - your 'choo-choo's, oh yeahhs, and welcome to the runaway mineee trainnn!'s will never be forgotten. :)

I've got a lot coming up at the moment, it's my 18th party on Saturday which is weird because I'm 18 the week after, ugh. Hopefully that'll go well cause I'm kinda regretting it now due to the pressure to entertain. Lets just hope at least one person turns up. ;) Then on to Sunday... me and my cousin are going to London to stay over in a hotel with Toni and her mum, and then we're going to get up ridiculously early for the Public Enemies premiere. It's gonna be maddd, but I'm so excited, being in London is awesome in itself. Then it's my birthday! :) I'll finally be 18, which means I'm getting old... and soon I'll be 20... then 30... then 70... then non-existent.
Zoe leaves in 2 days, I popped around to see her yesterday and she's coming around tomorrow... meh. When she's gone, I will really and truly be an even bigger loner than before. GOOD LUCK IN CYPRUS ZO!
Anyway, I'll post back in here after all this commotion has happened. :) I've also got WWRY on 7th July and Wicked on 11th July... and then Cyprus, WOOP WOOP! :) Ciaooo!
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