So anyway it went a bit further than a walk around the block, we actually walked for 5 or 6 miles... we didn't measure it of course, just a random guess. We walked out of Coton Green into Hopwas and up the canal and down country lanes. I actually felt free, to be honest, which is so gay, ahah. Just walking peacefully alongside the canal is so refreshing, to be able to get out of the world of technology and appreciate everything for what it is, because everyone takes it for granted nowadays, including me. I offered to push Mum into the canal so we could have one of those funny memories to remember, y'know - 'hey mum, remember that time I pushed you in the canal?!' Just so you can say you fell into a canal, but no, she wasn't with me on that. I swear I saw a grass snake though, which is so cool, it disappeared into the bushes really quickly but I know I saw this big tail slithering in. And it wasn't a mouse or anything, unless it was a disturbingly big mouse. The ducklings are so cute though, they see you and go charging into the canal - am I really that dangerous?
We saw these two donkeys by their barn thing so I did my amazing impression of a donkey which consisted of 'EE-OR!' and they actually looked up and came over. I now know what I was in my previous life. And then they used their donkey powers to make me feed them grass and kept butting their noses in my face... SO cute. And then I had to go to work, so we went home, I reluctantly got dressed into my black uniform (... too hottt) and Dad drove me to work. 10 minutes into my shift I hear - 'hey Sarah, it's empty here. Wanna go home?' Apparently the manager had said wait until she gets here before asking her... ever heard of a phone, or just general common sense? So Dad got a bit annoyed and picked me back up and we went for a drive in his Caterham kit car which is so not cool for girls but men love it, and I do. I'm a man! It's low down to the ground, really loud with no roof, so it's awesome in sunny weather. It makes me feel free as well. FREEDOM!
Unfortunately on the Sunday I had to work 10:15 - 6:00 so I missed out on the 20C weather...
So after months of learning to drive, I finally got off my lazy arse and booked my theory test. It will be next Tuesday and I'm pretty sure I'll fail - not because I'm a pessimist (okay, I am) but because I'm not too good at the whole theory thing. I'll just revise my ass off before it, I don't wanna pay another £30 for it if I fail. I also bought some fake tan the other day which is SO not me, I'm not superficial at all, but I'm so fed up of my legs being pale and chicken-ified that I thought I might try it. I got that Piz Buin colour dial one, which was expensive but so worth it! I'm a new found goddess! And I'm worth it!
I got some news today, relating to the whole first post situation but you know what, I've had enough of being screwed over. Fuck you. I have my fake tan, my grass snakes and my donkey feeding powers so... I'M READY TO FACE THE WORLD! :)
3 weeks of college left. 2009 = getting better.
Peace out.