Monday, 22 June 2009

Lots and lots and lots...

... of stuff to do. :)

First of all, I'VE FINISHED COLLEGE! Yes... my last exam was Friday. It was hard and I've probably failed but I don't care! I'M FREE! I practically squealed. A Levels can kiss my ass goodbye, bring on my art course next year. All I've got for the next 3 months is work, and I don't work that often. This is the part where this year should get a lot better. So bye bye Sutton for now, I hate you, good riddance.

I've had a few BBQs since I last wrote in here, the weathers been fairly nice. I also went to Alton Towers on Wednesday with Luke and his mates. It was an ace day but it absolutely tipped it down and we got soaked! Thanks Luke for making it a really good day, love you. :) And thanks to the woman on the Runaway Mine Train - your 'choo-choo's, oh yeahhs, and welcome to the runaway mineee trainnn!'s will never be forgotten. :)


I've got a lot coming up at the moment, it's my 18th party on Saturday which is weird because I'm 18 the week after, ugh. Hopefully that'll go well cause I'm kinda regretting it now due to the pressure to entertain. Lets just hope at least one person turns up. ;) Then on to Sunday... me and my cousin are going to London to stay over in a hotel with Toni and her mum, and then we're going to get up ridiculously early for the Public Enemies premiere. It's gonna be maddd, but I'm so excited, being in London is awesome in itself. Then it's my birthday! :) I'll finally be 18, which means I'm getting old... and soon I'll be 20... then 30... then 70... then non-existent.

Zoe leaves in 2 days, I popped around to see her yesterday and she's coming around tomorrow... meh. When she's gone, I will really and truly be an even bigger loner than before. GOOD LUCK IN CYPRUS ZO!

Anyway, I'll post back in here after all this commotion has happened. :) I've also got WWRY on 7th July and Wicked on 11th July... and then Cyprus, WOOP WOOP! :) Ciaooo!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

So long and farewell...

I haven't done much since I last wrote, it's practically the end of college now (I finish properly next Friday) but most of my lessons no longer exist and I only have 2 exams left - one of them is General Studies so that doesn't really count. Last Thursday I sat 3 exams and then actually looked forward to going to work afterwards, I was so glad they were over. They didn't go very well at all, I got so bored in the General Studies exam I was actually glad I was next to the wall to lean on and snooze. :) I wrote quite a lot, and I DID try considering how much I hate it... but then again I thought I did okay last year and I got a U, so who knows? :) I re-sat one of those and received an A though, I don't know how that happened. I'm pretty sure I've failed french with flying colours, most of the girls in my class are native french speakers, and the other girl wants to do languages as a career, so there they all were... writing away, finishing early and I was sitting wondering what the hell I was doing there. It was SO hard. I'm not being pessimistic when I say I've failed, I'm being REALISTIC.

I've ditched my huge FRIENDS drawing for now, I always switch back and forth between artwork, and I've started an A1 acrylic painting of Johnny Depp dressed as Jack Sparrow in his trailer. It's going really well so far, and I can't wait until it's finished. I might try and sell it, people keep telling me to sell my art. I don't like parting with them though, haha...
I've also been watching Finding Neverland again, and I'm in love with Freddie Highmore. His scene in the garden when he gets upset is amazing, so go Freddie!
I've just found out the UK premiere date for Public Enemies as well, so I'm gonna try and go to that and get JD to sign one of my art pieces. Wish me luck!

Zoe took me out for my surprise early 18th birthday present on Tuesday 9th June, she wouldn't tell me what it was and then finally revealed on the day that she was taking me to see... THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES. Yes, that's right. I was so excited when I found out, and amused. I'd spoke to her about it before, saying it looked hilarious and I wanted to see it some day but that was ages ago so I had no idea. We went for a meal before hand at the pub where she works, and then walked to the Lichfield Garrick. People had told me it was meant to be funny, so I went into it positively, and it really really was the most hilarious thing I've seen in yonks. I advise anyone going to see it to think carefully about the amount of eye make-up they wear because it will be running down your cheeks, no matter how hard you try to control it. It's not the sort of thing you can go back and report to your family though, you can't really go and say 'Ohhh, yeah! It was wonderful Dad, I especially loved the part where they mimicked all the different types of orgasm moans! And when they recited all the different names for the vagina. Really top notch!'

I'd like to thank Zoe for doing that, it really meant a lot - she knows I like theatre so she went out and found something she knew I'd like, and it was amazing. Zoe, if you're reading this - you're my best friend and I'm gonna miss you so much when you cart yourself off to Cyprus in 2 weeks or so. I'm glad I'm coming over in August, we can party up Cyprus style, it'll be great! :D I hope everything goes okay for you on your travels, with James and just in general. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and you deserve to have a car that isn't multi-coloured, so good luck for that in the future. =) Je t'aime. And always remember, whenever you're in doubt, whenever you find yourself in a pickle, think back to the words of wisdom that will forever be lodged in your head...

A bientôt, amigo!

P.S. I just want to quickly add... I PASSED MY THEORY DRIVING TEST!
My practical is now booked, but I'm not telling when. :)

Monday, 1 June 2009

I Wanna Have... A 99 Flake On The Beach!

So yeah, not a good week for me. Whenever I think I'm getting better, something happens to knock me back down again. The sunshine has been brilliant though! <3

On Friday, there was a family argument that hit me hard, and I actually thought the worse. And it's still there in the back of my mind, it's bound to happen again. It does every couple years, but one day it'll be the last, which I really don't want to think about. I'm still kind of low about the news I received last week, so I'm pretty lost.


I did have a brilliant day yesterday though, thanks to my friend Zoe. She suggested we go down the beach as the weather was meant to be really nice, so we left about 9am and got there for 11:30am. It's a lovely beach, tons of sand and usually a pier, but that burnt down...
We sat and ate fish and chips (which is compulsory for an english person at the seaside) and then a 99 Mr Whippy. Okay so I had two... the healthy eating is going really well. We then went for a spot of sunbathing, which turned out to be way too long. The temperature was about 27-30 degrees in the sunlight, I think... not sure, which is pretty hot for May time in England. There was a nice breeze but it kept blowing sand into the suntan lotion and pissing us off, so we moved around the corner where there wasn't as much breeze. It was really nice being able to relax and it completely took my mind off this year. I took a walk along the beach on my own by the sea, which at Weston Super-Mare is like... a mile out. I waded out a bit but it was pretty cold. I'd been warned about the tide going out but I didn't think it'd be as drastic as it was. A couple of hours later I went to paddle again and ended up in a vast expanse of sludgey crap staring at the sea in the far off distance. Which I then couldn't wash off until we found a tap... lovely. :)

Okay, so lovely day, it felt so nice and peaceful. I took the camera and I've uploaded some pictures to my Facebook. About 5 I realised I was burning so we got up to leave, and I soon realised I had contracted a serious case of lobster disease. It hurt in the car on the way home, there was the definitive outline of my shorts and bikini, the rest of me was red. So anyway, in the car on the way back we were stuck in a queue on the dual carriage-way and this car pulled up next to us with some guys in. They had an inflatable sheep which had been signed and they asked us to sign it and put our number on. I did, Zoe didn't. :D It was pretty random, but a bit of fun. About 45 minutes later, I had an answer phone message from one of the guys, in their cool Southern accents telling me to reply 1. Single 2. Hot (cause they couldn't remember who I was) and 3. If they stood a chance. ;) I replied 1, hopefully 2 and probably not 3 as they lived so far away. He gave me a call and he was pretty cute and made me laugh, haha. :) Just a bit of fun. I got back and my sunburn pain intensified and now I'm currently dying. I'm pure red on my legs and back, and I can't walk without looking like a constipated chicken. I couldn't actually go into college today even though I wanted to, so OUCH.

I have my driving theory test tomorrow, I've been doing small bits of revision but I'm going to do some more tonight, I'm scared for the hazard perception test to be honest. Hopefully I pass, and if I do, I'm booking my practical straight away because I want to get it over and done with. I have three exams this Thursday, and then work straight after, so wish me luck for that. I hope the pain has lessened tomorrow so I can go to my theory without looking like a constipated lobster. Also, when I was talking to my friend about my year and how I've been feeling, she said it sounded like I have anxiety, so I've searched it up and it does seem like that. Things WILL get better.

Anyway, I'm off to chill out, because lets face it, I can't do much else. :)